About Me

My Hebrew Blog
I am Jewish, sixth generation born Israeli. Served as a captain in the Israeli Air force. Earned a degree in Sociology & Anthropology from Tel Aviv University (1981), and an MA with distinction in Communication Arts from the New York Institute of Technology (1984).
Worked in films in New York and Los Angeles, returning to Israel in 1988 for the birth of my first of two daughters.
Since 1996, I have directed and/or produced many documentaries.
In July 2005, I received the Art of Film Prize at the Jerusalem Film Festival, supported by Ministry of Culture and Sport.
"...I find Yulie's films a critical and much-needed expression of the importance of dissent, particularly Jewish dissent, within the discourse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The ethic of dissent and its crucial importance in remaking a world gone wrong is a core tenet of Judaism and one which is too often forgotten. For dissent is tied to justice and justice to dignity. Opposing harm - indeed, laying siege to it - is a profound part of the Jewish tradition, and one that needs to be reclaimed as Yulie's films do. Yet, dissent is often considered a form of defection and betrayal particularly in times of conflict when the impulse to silence and conformity is acute. This is no less true of the Jewish people than of any other people. Today, there is a war against dissent, a dangerous war that not only threatens what we think but how we construct our thoughts and who, in the end we become. Whether we are talking about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the war in Iraq or global terrorism, our right to oppose is being stigmatized and invalidated. These two films show why we must try to create a world where affirmation is possible and dissent is mandatory, where our capacity to witness is not only restored but sanctioned."
Dr. Sara Roy Senior Research Scholar Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University - introduction before the screenings of My Terrorist and My Land Zion - at Carr Center for Human Rights Policy John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University, Oct. 26th '05.
Know where you go, a self portrait
Videoart // 4:18 // 2014 // Yulie Cohen